
I’ve been quiet for a long time, working on the next two volumes in the Fading Empire series. In the Shadow of A Fading Empire will be out in September 2022, all being well. I am currently working on the fourth volume in the series, On the Frontiers of a Fading Empire, which will be the last in the quartet dealing with the life and times of Marcus Lucullus Silvanus. For the future I plan a series of stories about Marcus’ children and some of the younger characters who have appeared in the story so far.

Hopefully I will also have time to add a little more to this blog page.

Just for now I can say that I have read a very interesting book by Caitlin Green, Britons and Anglo-Saxons: Lincolnshire AD 400-650. She makes the case that a fairly well organised Romano-British political unit in the city of Lincoln survived the withdrawal of the legions, built a new Christian church in the old forum, and even controlled the settlement of the Anglo-Saxons on the periphery of its territory.

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