
I’ve been quiet for a long time, working on the next two volumes in the Fading Empire series. In the Shadow of A Fading Empire will be out in September 2022, all being well. I am currently working on the fourth volume in the series, On the Frontiers of a Fading Empire, which will be… Continue reading Update

Sorte Muld and Gudme

Sorte Muld (Black Earth) is an area of land covered by a thick area of black earth, on the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea, which was built up throughout the entire Iron Age. The site is interpreted as a well-established regional centre for power and culture, the seat of a chief or “king”,… Continue reading Sorte Muld and Gudme

Eketorpsborg and Sandyborg

Eketorpsborg (Eketorps fort) is an iron age fort on the island of Öland, in the Baltic sea of the south east coast of Sweden. The fort was inhabited from around 300 CE to 700CE, and again in the middle ages. The fort has been reconstructed to show elements from across these periods of occupancy. Information… Continue reading Eketorpsborg and Sandyborg

Västra Vång

In the landscape of Blekinge, in southern Sweden, lie the traces of a power that had a long occupation time, from before the time of Christ’s birth to the middle ages. According to Bjorn Nilsson, Lunds University, iron production was the economic motor that drove Västra Vång, as compared to grain or cattle at Uppåkrar,… Continue reading Västra Vång


The edition of Swedish radio’s “Veteskapsradion Historia” from 29th Sept 20202 describes the latest findings from excavations at Ströja, a market and big man’s hall from the “vendeltiden” (600 – 800 CE), the era of Swedish iron age prior to the age of the Vikings. The site at Ströja is at the head of a… Continue reading Ströja

Chedworth Villa

This links to an interesting new discovery in the area of Britain where the story of “Memories” takes place.  This article in The Independent discusses the “Dark Ages” history of this area, and emphasizes that Roman-style government continued in west Britain after 410, which is traditionally taken as the end date for Roman rule. Mosaic… Continue reading Chedworth Villa